March ended up been a good month not quite as good as I had hoped for, still a record month on two fronts though. I had a record month with Adsense and the overall total was my best ever.
Adsense on a day-to-day basis was a little worse than February down 2% this was a big surprise as last year 2010 March was up 21% over February, year over year March 2011 was up 7% over 2010 again a considerable difference where January and February of 2011 had an average increase of 32%
Not all doom and gloom though as I eluded too, March was still a great month. Best ever adsense month at $922 first ever over $900 and total earnings came in at $1060 first time over $1000 I’d like to say I know why it was about $100 lighter than expected but there is no apparent reason or trend. It could be as simple as spring break in the USA is a week later this year? As April is off to a stellar start this could be it and the small loss will come back in April only time will tell.
Year to date I’m up 22% for the first three months, this is down on last month were I was running at 32% still a healthy yearly increase though.
“Year to Year is calculated uniquely on adsense” as I had little to no other revenue last year and I don’t have any stats to work with.
The goldfish site is still holding it’s own and the work I did seems to have solidified meaning that I don’t expect to see it magically drop off any time soon, the work on the abs site is still up in the air, small signs of progress nothing solid though, going to run a few tests this month and see if I can shake a little life into it.
Other earnings were similar to last month the directory contributing a few bucks $3 to be exact and a single sale in the goldfish shop contributing a nice $10. The goal I set myself of earning an extra $150 from new sources pretty much materialized with me selling a single domain for $125 thanks Samir Miami Web Design. I also did a few things to get a little advertising revenue started and that seems to be rolling along nicely and will be contributing a small sum next month.
I can now add gross earnings month over month and this month they came in 22% over last month. Expenses for the month ended up been $55 for domains & $36 for hosting.
I also added a couple of listings to eBay one for a simple SEO evaluation and another for a featured link in my general directory with a couple of regular links thrown in for good luck, no success yet I’m expecting the listings to produce very little maybe a few hundred dollars each year.
I also started a small project were by I’m keeping track of my rankings In Google for a single site Phuket Flights I’m taking a snapshot every few days for a handful of keywords and noting things I have done which could have had an affect on changes in position, all this I’m doing in excel and applying some of the things I picked up when working for others compiling reports. Initial results are very interesting and Its only because a friend who does nothing but SEO suggested it too me, as this is what he does. It’s simple yet really interesting.
The end of March and the first few days of April had me moving up to Chiang Rai to do some volunteering in a place I found through wwoof with a 1800km ride and the obvious settling in I barely looked at the computer never mind working. Now I’m settled it appears to be a perfect place for me, more on this next month.
Goals for April same as March earn $150 extra from a new source that I’m not already earning from.
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