Friday Wrap, Minimum Wifi

Friday Wrap: No results found!

Today I’m going to backtrack a little and offer up some of the results from the recent upgrade I did “bottom half of the post”. Which will lead me into why I titled this post No results found!

The initial results are for the most part excellent exceeding my expectations. Here are a few things I’m seeing:


  1. Bounce Rate: 67% > 39%
  2. Avg. Time on Site: 1:05 > 3:35
  3. Pages/Visit  1.7 > 2.55
  4. Traffic  no real change probably to early to measure


I have had quite a few successes here, nothing earth shattering I used serpfox to track some terms. The few terms I was already ranking had some nice moves up think page 3 to page 2 this without actually targeting stuff to make this happen.

I targeted 2 very competitive new terms adding a new page for one of these, the other I just started to target part of the phrase in different forms through out the site. Before the update I did not rank for either of theses terms. The one I added a page for popped in to the results in the mid 60s the other is bouncing around a lot between 100 -200

Lastly using a tool I created a few weeks back to find instances of a string on the web. I added a few with next to no competition, these have all shown up in the mid 20s


This was a huge surprise, and I’m under no illusions that it will hold, as the data set is just to small. Think 10 fold increase. Yep I know that is off the charts I dont expect it to hold 2-3 fold is looking very possible though.

As I mentioned above I created a small tool to help me revamp this site the inspiration came after reading Spencer’s post on analyzing the competition long story short he talked about ranking for a term not found on the web “Spencer Likes Honeycombs!” and how you dont need a back link to show up in google because their is no competition. My next thought was that’s all well and nice “what if I could find terms people are actually searching for, that no exact match exists on the web” now that would be cool and so a little tool was born.

The things I’m finding with it are very interesting. Think 20 searches a month for a term related to my site, you know the terms google spits out when you add a url in the KW tool. I then run those terms and see how many exact matches exist on the web imagine No results found ! gems like this do pop up. More often you will find 5 pages found 17 pages found etc As we all know ranking for a term with such little competition  barely needs any work.

After I had played with this for a few days I started to think “create software sell tool” and then logic kicked in or was it the subconsciousness. I have been listening to the TMBA podcasts near daily for a few weeks now, and one thing I’m continually hearing is “launch then automate” and how they are still handling sign ups physically one by one. Makes a lot of sense and lead me to realize that all I needed  was a small site an email address and voila I could offer a service.

I thought a little more and had one of those light bulb moments “who are my customers” any one of the 200,000,000 websites on the web! no shortage of prospects refining it a little it will probably be the mom and pop type website owners. Then I did something I have not done in a while a started to look for a domain settling on Zero Match

I’m going to offer three types of reports, with a small twist no upfront payment period. Order your report pay after, and if your report does not contain at least 5% of results deemed of good quality “less that 50 exact matches found” your report is free.

The three levels will be.

Basic: the 100 terms associated with your url $9.99 or 100 key phrases of your choice

Best: Value: 1000 search terms of your choice $24.99

Pro: One on One analysis of your domain and phrases, you would like to target 10.000 carefully chosen terms $99.99 this one will be payable in advance as I will go do the research after talking with the customer.

The report has a lot of cool stuff in it. When looked at from many different angles it can provides some great pointers, its offers up a lot more than just finding barely referenced phrases. One thing I do is to take all the phrases and create an extra column with the first three words in all the phrases, this allows a type of grouping of phrases. One I did recently had 800 phrases 28 had the same first three words. This is obviously a great pointer for creating a whole new page or section as you have 28 different phrases below the group phrase to work with.

That’s it for now I hope to be fully live before the end of the year, in the mean time dont be surprised if those of you that know me well, find  a free report in your inbox, with a request for feedback. All are welcome to add your url below in the comments with a simple “can you run my url” which I will then run and send to you free of charge. Hopefully you can return the favor with a little feedback and possibly a small review. I can add to the site.

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