Minimum Wifi, Monthly Earnings Reports

October 2011 Earnings Report

October ended up been OK based on the fact I got seriously slapped by Google I’m extremely grateful I survived this major update and will live to tell another day. Needless to say losing a huge amount of traffic in the last half of the month depleted earnings quite drastically though not by the same percentage as the decrease in traffic. All in I came in a tad under $1000 more than enough to live comfortably here just not enough to save, the last few days of October and the first few of November indicate I will maintain around $1000 as I’m getting back a little of what I lost initially.

Even though I got slapped hard and was replaced by some real thin sites initially. I’m some what excited by the update as it was a huge wake up call and has helped me see a whole bunch of things I never needed to bother with before I read a phrase which stated “this update has helped a lot of not so good websites become better sites” I truly believe this is correct and in my own case my sites will get better because of this update.

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