UK England

The journey starts

All has gone well to date, everything falling in to place exactly as planned everything sold and or donated, and after 13 years in the states I’m down to a mid sized roll on, along with a day pack was trying for a little smaller but you know how it goes….

Mini sized luggage

I had been striving to get everything in to the little blue roll on pictured above that would have left me with a lot less than I wanted and will probably practically need, I’m now in the UK doing the family thing, after a simple and pleasant direct flight with Virgin Atlantic Airways no real jet lag as I had been running for the last few days in Florida with only a few hours sleep each night enabling me to adjust immediately upon arrival. I had been worried stiff about the weather in England after having been in Fort Lauderdale for so long  in fact like many things so far it’s a non event It is way better than I would have guessed and prompting me to pencil in a few months each year in Europe “summer months”

After a days rest I headed on up to Peterborough to renew my passport, a simple affair and after a short 4 hour wait Voilà a new 42 page biometric passport.. whilst wondering around Peterborough I also came up with an idea for a simple quick site, 110 photos later and a few ideas made this a very productive morning.

Front view of Peterborough-Cathedral

Now I’m off out in to the sticks for a week “sticks = country” some good farm food and a lot of peace and quite.

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